You can find on this page the Bangkok (Krung Thep) zipcodes map to print and to download in PDF. The Bangkok (Krung Thep) zip code map presents postal codes, address lookup and code list of Bangkok (Krung Thep) in Thailand.

Bangkok (Krung Thep) postcodes map

Map of Bangkok (Krung Thep) zip codes

The Bangkok (Krung Thep) postcodes map shows all the zip codes of Bangkok (Krung Thep). This zip code map of Bangkok (Krung Thep) will allow you to easily find postal codes and address lookup of Bangkok (Krung Thep) in Thailand. The Bangkok (Krung Thep) postcode map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The postcode follows the province changwat (จังหวัด), or the special administrative region of Bangkok (Krung Thep). Thai postal codes consist of five digits, where the first two digits identify the province, the third digit the district, and the remaining two the subdistrict as its mentioned in Bangkok (Krung Thep) postcodes map. It is necessary to mention the Postcode while you send a letter or a parcel via the Thailand postal system. The Postcode numbers literally route the post you send through the geography of Thailand to the address given in Bangkok. In fact the actual address is read only at the final post office where they do the final sorting for delivery. Thus Postal or PIN code helps post offices to speed up the sorting and delivery of mails. Postcode is also otherwise called as postcode or PIN code (Postal Index Number).

Postcode is a series of letters or digits or both that specifies an area of a location or the post office of that location. Its mainly used in postal address for the goal of categorizing mail. In many countries, it mainly comprises of numbers, but a postcode can include a series of letters or digits, sometimes both and could also include spaces or punctuations. Postcodes are important for sorting and delivering mails and packages location wise. The Thailand Post Company Limited is the national state-owned Thai postal service. There are over 3,000 post offices in Thailand and over 30,000 post boxes as its shown in Bangkok (Krung Thep) postcodes map. Opening times for most post offices are from 08:30-16:30. Bangkok (Krung Thep) Post offers a full range of services from all postal services to money transfers, payment of bills and a full range of business services.

Bangkok (Krung Thep) postcodes are also often referred to as zipcodes. They are written as a sequence of five digits. The first two digits indicate the province, the middle one the District (Amphur) and the last two digits the sub-district (Tambon) as you can see in Bangkok (Krung Thep) postcodes map. The Thai Post Office accepts mail with addresses written in Roman script as well as in Thai script. The address should be written as follows, starting with the number and name of road and ending with the province and post code.